Our Services
Advancing Steps connects clients with wraparound support services that are flexible enough to meet each person’s unique needs, including legal help, mental health treatment, life skills instruction, substance misuse treatment, employment assistance, and everything in between.
Partnership with Housing Organizations

We believe that reentry means having a place to go back that is safe for recovery. Advancing Steps is proud to partner with Safe Housing partners like Starting Over and Inland SoCal United Way/211 to help individuals find their place for recovery.
We also help individuals seeks out housing that works for their particular circumstance.
Case Management

We offer case management as our foundational support for formerly incarcerated individuals. Our intakes assess what services an individual might need for a successful recovery; while identifying and prioritizing any immediate needs. Although we provide our expertise, we ensure to always listen to the needs an individual is seeking.
Advancing Steps help individuals with the development of goal planning and assist with goal attainment. We also offer mentorship tailored to individuals.
Workforce Development

Our workforce development includes job referrals, resume building, dress for success, interviewing classes, and much more.
We have partnership with Riverside County Workforce Development Dept., in Indio CA.
Document Retrievals

Do you need documents to help with your reentry process? Advancing Steps helps with document retrievals to help you get on the right track. This includes driver licence, social security, birth certificates, high school transcripts, and much more.
Addiction Referrals

Addiction is a hard step towards recovery but not impossible. At Advancing Steps we offer addiction referrals to help formerly incarcerated individuals bounce back and ensure they are free from addictions.
We have partnerships with Palm Desert Recovery and Riverside University Health Systems.
Life Skill Classes

Our life skills services helps formerly incarcerated individuals develop or regain skills that were not able to practice or hone in while away. These include but are not limited to public speaking, phone use, internet use, media literacy skills, selfcare, etc.
Everyone needs are different therefore we work with each individual to provide them with the personal services they need.
Tranportation Assistance

Our transportation assistance helps formerly incarcerated individuals get from one place to next safely and with easy. From the house to your job and back! We help individuals get bus passes and/or gas cards to get them going.
Financial Literacy

In order to get back on your feet, you need to be financially literate. What does that look like at Advancing Steps? It means understanding financial banking, understanding credit, budgeting your finances, and even starting a business (LLC)! See how we can help you at Advancing Steps.
Family Reunification and Legal Services

It is a known fact that having a support system is essential for reentry and recovery. For many that means reunifying with their family. We can help individuals locate family members, find a space that offers parenting classes, and much more.
Advancing Step also offers referrals for legal services. We have partnerships with Starting Over to assist formerly incarcerated individuals with legal services.
Educational and Vocational Training

A major component of Advancing Steps is our education and vocational training to upskill our clients. Our organization requires education and/or vocational training as a condition for acceptance or expects every client to be enrolled in a program within the first six months as we strongly believe that education is a path out of a life of crime, reduces recidivism, and treats addiction.
We provide career counseling and have partnerships with Project Rebound, Underground Scholars, College of the Desert, CET, and Electrical Union.